
How to make your business more secure in today’s environment

There are 5 major things to look at and we discuss this in out video

1. Email Security -2FA and Graphus Ai Email Security

2. Firewall – Sonicwall

3. Zero Trust – Threatlocker – whitelisted program only allowed – plus ring fencing

4. SentinelOne – NextGen AV with 24/7 SOC and EDR

5. Finally – having a good imaged backup with different revisions that you can restore from

https://www.impresscomputers.com/initial-consultation/ 24/7 Support

* Cyber Security

* Monitored Backups

* Email Security

* Employee Training

* Peace of Mind

Is Your Current Computer Guy Causing You To Need an Aspirin?

Does he take forever to call you back and respond to your requests?

Are you paying him good money to keep things working, but are STILL having constant problems, slowness and other recurring issues?

Are you worried he’s not backing up and securing your network?

Does your head hurt from having to deal with the hassles?

Are you sick and tired of constant IT, phone and computer problems interrupting your day, frustrating you and your team?

Do you feel stuck with IT support that’s NOT delivering the SERVICE you want and need?

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