Roland + Robet Herjavec

Roland Parker from Impress Computers got to visit with Robert Herjavec and the Cyderes SOC in Kansas City

What we learned from the top guys doing really high end Security for huge organizations and how we can apply this to small to medium sized companies in the Houston Area.

  • Biggest threat is still coming from employees from within side your organization – so employee training is one of the most essential things that you need to have as a small business owner
  • End Point Detection and Remediation is absolutely essential, as sooner or later the bad guys can get past your defenses and you need to have a way of detecting when this happens and to be able to ACT FAST on a 24/7 basis
  • We recommend the following Security Stack
    • Sonicwall Firewall
    • Zero Trust Platform using Threatlocker
    • Next Gen Anti Virus with a 24/7 SOC and EDR (End Point Detection Remediation)
    • Employees should only access data on company issued device
    • Employee Training
    • Email Ai Security and Threat Protection
    • Last Resort is an Image Based Backup with multiple revisions

If you want to have a look at the security in your business, then schedule a complimentary assessment with Roland Parker and his team…


Remember, don’t click on links and attachments and never hit the X


Are You A “Sitting Duck”? Small businesses are under attack. Right now, extremely dangerous and well-funded cybercrime rings in China, Russia and the Ukraine are using sophisticated software systems to hack into thousands of small businesses to steal credit cards and client information, and swindle money directly out of your bank account. Some are even being funded by their own government to attack small, virtually defenseless businesses.